The Division of DD has implemented a DD Health Home for individuals statewide served through DD, who have a qualifying chronic health condition, have or at risk of developing another chronic condition, and are eligible for Division of DD services.  

Individuals covered by Medicaid are eligible to be served by a DD Health Home if they have a chronic condition of Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability; and have or be at risk of developing one of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes;
  • Asthma;
  • Cardiovascular disease or hypertension;
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD);
  • Overweight (Body Mass Index (BMI)>25);
  • Dementia;
  • Dependent on a ventilator;
  • Tobacco use;
  • Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder;
  • One of the Fatal Five Plus Conditions: Pulmonary Aspiration, Bowel Obstruction, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Seizures, Sepsis, Dehydration;
  • Using the Health Risk Screening Tool that identifies potential risk for individuals with a Healthcare Level of 3 or greater.

Form Instructions: Individuals, guardians, formal supports, community partners, Support Coordinators, and other State agencies may also refer an individual for DD Health Home eligibility determination by completing this form.

Note: This form prompts the Division to determine eligibility for DD Health Home services. If needed to obtain additional information, the Division may contact the Individual and/or Legal Guardian.

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